Reunion Saturday
The Brown Reunion's Saturday events can begin anytime Saturday afternoon. The earlier the better in order to enjoy the lake and catch up with family. Some setup of tarps & tables might have already started from the day before by anyone staying overnight at the camp. But, most setup will occur on Saturday. Any help is welcomed!
Tarps and tables are stored in the large storage building near the Brown camp known as the 'Boys Camp'. Fred Brewer once spent the winter there! For more history on the camp and surroundings, go to the Brown Camp page on the Reunion Location page.
Saturday's events are laid back and not as structured as Sunday's. Mostly it is a time for catching up with family members from near and far. Family may bring their musical instruments for sing-a-longs and games may be played if there are enough willing participants. There is also fishing from the dock, swimming or floating off the front of the camp or getting out on the lake in a boat.
The campfire gets started for a good bed of coals for later roasting suppah over the fire and preparing the pit for the Beanhole beans. The Trash Can Turkey also gets started cooking to be ready for suppah-time.
As the afternoon nears time for suppah, the Brown's are ready to eat! The campfire should be hot enough for roasting hot dogs, hamburgers or anything else you might like to cook over a roaring fire.
The traditional Hot Dog Roast is accompanied by the famous Trash Can Turkey for sharing. Everyone brings their own item to roast. Salad basics are provided for a salad bar for all (bring anything extra you'd like to add to your salad).
Folks can also bring some deserts to share and roasting and assembling S'mores by the fire is always a treat as suppah winds down.
A relaxing after dinner treat may include more singing and chatting by the fire and sometimes a video show.