T2 R8 Nand Seboeis Twps.,
Penobscot Co. U. S. G. S. Lincoln, Me.
Fish Types:
Smallmouth bass White perch
Yellow perch Chain pickerel
Hornpout (bullhead) Eel
White sucker
Physical Area - 2035 acres
Common shiner Fallfish (chub)
Nine spine stickleback
Pumpkinseed Yellowbelly sunfish
Temperatures Surface - 67 degrees F.
@ 25 feet - 67 degrees F.
South Branch Lake provides excellent small-mouth bass habitat. Rarely, a migrating brook trout moves into the lake from the outlet stream, but the lake contains no water suitable to carry trout through the summer.
Regulations governing white perch should be liberalized so that fishermen can crop the available white perch harvest. In addition to providing a better use of the fishery, white perch liberalization would reduce food and space competition between the white perch and bass.
Maximum depth - 28 feet
Suggested Management: sunfish
Surveyed 1954
Courtesy of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Game